Experience by Ludovico Einaudi & Daniel Hope

6 min readAug 31, 2022


I must first off state that I have zero discipline attesting to the fact that human beings are so predictable and undependable to keep a routine that the creator thought it necessary to ensure survival of the species we weren’t given the responsibility to breathe by ourselves. Pretty vague and random assessment however if you have any basic understanding of the human body you would know just how intricate the process of inhalation and exhalation is, in the past year I’ve been so caught up in whatever emotion I was feeling at that time that I’m sure without a doubt if breathing wasn’t automatic I would have not remembered to. I know for a fact that I’m not the only one that has experienced this, and most definitely won’t be the last.

So what’s new? I saw my daughter for the first time in over 2 years, I started a new job, I’m still over weight this time not just by my own standards but I was told by my doctor as well and I have a new love interest yes its an actual person not just one of my many mental illusions though I must say I do miss being in love with Rafael from my sub cortex and cortex regions of my brain he had some really funny jokes and actually listened to me not to mention the stimulations he would provide lmao, Dana this is why you don’t have any friends tsk tsk tsk.

Where was I ???? Oh, yeah so a lot has happened since the last time I posted. I was finally recognized for my hard work and dedication and just like that it was snatched from me on the account of an infraction not of my own doing but because of the greediness of another and it led me to question life and what is the real reason behind all the struggle and persecution of just wanting a better life, not a rich life but a life of ease of not having to work so hard, a life of even after working so hard to then have it be swept from under your legs like a tsunami in the dead of the night, but this is not a tragedy no no no for upon the horizon I was granted another opportunity to strut my stuff so to speak, yes I got a new job better pay and homegirl got health insurance so I can genuinely go get my headspace checked out. All of that happened in such a short time that I promise you if breathing wasn’t automated I would have definitely been flat lined.

On top of all that I am at the heaviest that I have been even during pregnancy inserts emoji of the chick holding her head(🤦‍♀️). This is what centering your entire existence around a job results in, and no I am not blaming anything or anyone its my own laziness that has gotten me here, I know what needs to be done but I have this great sense of self that allows me to come up with every excuse in the book to not do what I’m supposed to do then feel bad when the consequences of my actions come lurking like a thief in the night, maybe not that sneakily nor as silent maybe more like thunder just after lightening, predictable yeah definitely like that. But you know what this time I am not starting from ground zero as I have done this before and to be honest I’m not in a lot of rush to lose it either. See for a long time I wanted to lose weight for the mere fact of the appearance of beauty in the eyes of on lookers never for the validation of my damn self and so I took the time to love all 218lb of my beauty, my existence, in essence ME!! Regularly I would never post a pic of my body in this state but hey if you don’t love the skin you’re in who will? Yes I have used this as an excuse but that was when I didn’t understand the intricacies of loving ones self in its entirety as its such a broad term used repeatedly from the most menial matters to the most selfish of cases cause if its one thing humans are gonna do that’s human, lmao.

Today I urge you to relax your mind and be swept away by the sounds of this mere mortals talent as my chords are being stroked from one of the great composers none other that the Italian Ludovico Einaudi and his number entitled “Experience” as isn’t that what this is all about, us mere mortals and our shared experience.

Mr. Einaudi is a classically trained composer having been schooled at what is considered the largest institute of musical education to date in Italy, Conservatorio di Milano (Milan Conservatory) this school has provided musical beings such as Fausto Romitelli the composer of High way to hell guitar solo, and even Emmy award winner Alfredo Antonini, just to name a few. According to his fan page Einaudi began using his style to compose film soundtracks in the mid-1990s. He started with two films by Michele Sordillo, Da qualche parte in città in 1994 and Acquario in 1996, for which he won the Grolla d’oro for best soundtrack. In 1998, he composed the soundtrack for Treno di panna and the score for Giorni dispari by Dominick Tambasco

In 2000, he collaborated with Antonello Grimaldi on Un delitto impossibile, and he also composed the soundtrack for Fuori del mondo, which was nominated for an Oscar Award and for which he won the Echo Klassik award in Germany in 2002. After the release of his debut album, some excerpts were included in the film Aprile by Nanni Moretti. In 2002, his soundtrack for Luce dei miei occhi was named best soundtrack at the 2002 Italian Music Awards.

In 2002, Einaudi won an Italian award for Best Film Score for Luce dei miei occhi. Allmusic gave his score for the 2002 TV serial Doctor Zhivago 4.5/5 stars and published a glowing review, comparing it in skill to Maurice Jarre’s score of the previous film adaptation.

In 2004, his soundtrack for Sotto falso nome received the prize for the best film music at the Avignon Film Festival.

In 2010, Einaudi wrote the music for the trailer of Black Swan. His “Due Tramonti” was featured in the film I’m Still Here (2010), directed by Casey Affleck. His composition “Nuvole Bianche” was featured in the film Insidious (2010), directed by James Wan, the British TV drama This Is England 86, and in the TV series Derek (2012), directed by and starring Ricky Gervais. To The Intouchables (2011), the biggest box office movie in French history, he contributed the tracks “Fly”, “Writing Poems”, “L’origine nascosta”, “Cache-cache”, “Una Mattina”, and “Primavera.” The film This Is England featured Fuori dal mondo and Dietro casa. The British TV drama series This Is England ’88 also contained the tracks “Fuori Dalla Notte”, “Solo” (a bonus track from Nightbook), “Berlin Song”, and “Distacco”.

In 2016, Einaudi participated in the Greenpeace campaign to save the Arctic.

Nathaniel Rodgers summerized experience perfectly, “Experience”, originally released in the 2013 album In a Time Lapse, is a lush piece of music. Both joyous and strangely sorrowful, it intoxicates the listener with a tempest of emotion that, instead of resolving itself in a triumphant finale, deflates into a whisper of broken dreams, a wistful cry of the piano.

This composition was being struck so loudly in my head for so long but I had no idea how to express the emotions it evokes within me for its such a profound selection of keys that correlates so beautifully that it needs no lyrics no rhyme or reason just like life, see this composition was written in predominantly F# minor one of the most popular keys as like life stable then out of nowhere you’re thrown a few D#major7 and this key is typically used to represent a rapture in sadness so to speak almost as if you’re choking back tears just when you think you’re out for the count it goes back to F#minor before to know it you’re spiraling between C#minor a few D#majors for triumph and before we get too cocky here comes the DB# majors for grief and of course the sprinkles of A#majors to make us feel like it was all worth it and it is because in the end its all for the experience.This was my first encounter with any work of Einaudi but I assure you it has opened a door to a whole other world of experiences for me. And just like the beautiful composition I end here for sometimes there need not be any resolution just mere experience.

Please stay tuned for what’s to come as I try to put reason to the chaos life throws my way as music expresses that which cannot be put in words and that which cannot remain silent- Victor Hugo

